Looking Up to Danko 仰望丹科, 2011
Bronze (figure) & Stainless Steel (Heart) 铸铜 (人)及不锈钢 (心)
This sculpture is based on the book "Starukha Izergil" (Old Woman Izergil) by the famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky. The third part of that book is about the young, brave Danko, who took out his flaming heart and led his doubtful tribe people out of the dreadful dark forest.
这件雕塑灵感来自俄罗斯伟大作家高尔基的寓言小说《伊则吉尔老婆子》。 这部短篇作品中的第三个故事《英雄丹科》描述一位叫丹科的勇士在众人的 怀疑中掏出了自己的心,照亮了通向自由的道路,带领族人走出可怕黑暗的 森林
Size: 40 x 20